
Javascript Type

JavaScript is a dynamically typed (or loosely typed) programming language. It allows you to declare variables without specifying or defining the variable type. You can create a variable in JavaScript without defining the type of value you can store in the variable. This can affect your program and cause bugs during runtime because the type […]

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Javascript Switch

A switch statement is a control flow statement in JavaScript that allows you to test a variable against a series of cases. The switch statement evaluates an expression and executes the code associated with the matching case. Here is the basic syntax for a switch statement: switch(expression) { case value1: // code block break; case

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Javascript Array

What is a JavaScript Array? Let’s start with the basics. A JavaScript array is a collection of data stored in a single variable. This data can be of any type, including strings, numbers, and even other arrays. Arrays in JavaScript are a way to group related data together, making it easier to work with. Creating

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Javascript Function

What is a function in JavaScript? A function is a block of code that encapsulates one isolated, self-contained behavior for the computer to perform. Functions are a set of organized instructions that correspond to a certain task or specific functionality a user wants to implement in their program to achieve a single desired outcome. The

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Javascript Numbers

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that can perform arithmetic calculations and manipulate numbers in various ways. Let’s dive into it! Part 1: JavaScript Numbers Basics JavaScript has only one type of number, which is represented by the Number data type. It can represent both integers and floating-point numbers. Unlike other programming languages, JavaScript doesn’t

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Javascript Date and Time

Dates and Time are an essential part of any programming language, including JavaScript. They are used to represent specific moments in time. JavaScript provides several built-in objects and methods to work with dates, making it easier for developers to manage and manipulate dates in their applications. Creating Dates in JavaScript In JavaScript, we can create

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HTML Head Element

The <head> element is a container for metadata (data about data) and is placed between the <html> tag and the <body> tag. HTML metadata is data about the HTML document. Metadata is not displayed. Metadata typically define the document title, character set, styles, scripts, and other meta information. The HTML <title> Element The <title> element defines the title of the document. The title

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HTML Forms

Forms are one of the most important parts of the web. Without them, there wouldn’t be an easyway to collect data, search for resources, or sign up to receive valuable information.You can embed forms on websites with the HTML form element. Inside the form element,several inputs are nested. These inputs are also known as form

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JavaScript Variables

In JavaScript, you can declare variables with the var, let, and const keywords. But what are the differences between them? That’s what I’ll explain. If you’re just starting out using JavaScript, a few things you may hear about these keywords are: The first two points are likely pretty self-explanatory. But what about why we shouldn’t use var, or when

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What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript was created over 26 years ago and is currently one of the most popular programming languages. But what is JavaScript?JavaScript is used with HTML and CSS to create dynamic and interactive web pages and mobile applications. We often call it one of the building blocks of web development. JavaScript is used as client-side programming

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